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Tuesday 14th May 2019

held at 2.30pm Christ Church


1. Apologies for absence: Mark Randall, Hannah Witkowska, Jack Hamilton, Penny Pemberton, Sandra Berkovi. 

2. Minutes of 2018 AGM: were agreed

3. 2018 Accounts: The accounts were summarised by Colin Iddles. Hannah Witkowska will take over as Treasurer from 2019. The changes made over the last few years have reduced expenditure significantly especially because of in-house printing of the newsletters. There was a surplus this year of £55.21 and income is now fairly steady. Keith Percy asked about the money generated by Easy Fundraising and Colin explained the system and its ability to produce a small dividend from most online purchases once a shopper has registered the charity they would like to benefit.

4. 2018 Annual Report: A written Annual Report was provided to those attending the AGM.

The Association’s involvement in the local development plan and the attempt to have part of the area given the ASCL status has continued this year.


Most recently the SSNA members have shown concerns about suggested changes to local parking. Local Councillor and SSNA member, Richard Clifton, was asked to comment on the current state of the local consultation. Put simply all agree there is a problem, but no one can agree on a solution. However it has been decided to have a third and final consultation. Colin asked whether there needed to be an overall majority of potential respondents before a decision could be acted upon. Richard said overall majority was not required.

5. Election of Committee members: All the current members of the committee were willing to stand for re-election. Mark Randall, as deputy chair, has particular responsibility for that part of the SSNA area to the south of The Downsway and Crossways.


Colin called for new committee members from those in attendance and suggested that if they contacted him they could attend the four meetings during the year to gain more insight into the work of committee meetings.


AOB: Ann Morton raised the question of whether the SSNA should apply for any GLA grants for trees to be planted. Colin asked for any interested party to contact him.


Madison Walsh of Sutton Water Services (SES) gave a short talk on “Water and You”. This included a short history of the company, and a warning about fraudsters claiming to be from “the Water Board”. The benefits of water meters were discussed. Leaflets were distributed.


The AGM closed with an invitation to afternoon tea.


The afternoon tea once again proved very popular with an opportunity for the members to chat while they enjoyed their cream scones.


Anne Wakeham


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